Photos from our trip to Vietnam early this year.

Our first day in Saigon after some really long plane rides. First day we were just in complete shock at how crowded it was.

2nd day heading to the beach - traffic at some random corner 5:30 or so in the morning.

Some really good seafood at the beach

3rd day flew to Hanoi, then a really long car ride from the airport, then onto a night train with 2 other people. We were a little surpised at how close were were together.

4th day in Vietnam, 1st in Sapa - usually people come here to hike in the mountains and see the tiered rice fields. We had foggy weather and were constantly badgered by people selling us souveneirs.

Still - parts of Sapa were very beautiful - muddy while were were there, but beautiful

2nd Day in Sapa - hike to the top of a large hill where there's a national park. We were surrounded by limestone boulders (and a orchid park)

Last day in Sapa - we had enough of the fog and the constant badgering to buy stuff. Mom joins us for the rest of the tour.

First day in Halong Bay on the 2 night cruise "junk". This is surprise cave in a large Karst.

A better view of the 2000 or so Karsts in Halong Bay

2nd Day in Halong bay and we're climbing on limestone - got *great* weather.

3rd day we head out on of Halong Bay taking the scenic route.

Hanoi at night - a beautiful lake and beatiful trees. Much more green than Saigon

2nd day in Hanoi - touring a lot of museams

Day in Hue visiting lots of temples

More orchids in random trees

1st day in Hoi An - one of the temples where insense spirals burn for a month.

Hoi An - view from Hotel

Hoi An - beach across the street from the hotel

Back in Saigon the final day - lights for Tet getting put up
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